Here are some helpful tips to make money writing online
1. The first and most important rule is, to write your own content do not steal word by word other peoples copyrighted material, one it is illegal, And is not good practice.
2. You must become effective writing articles, Article marketing is one of the important components that you could do for any online campaigns.
3. Make sure you do good research or know the topic or niche you are going to write about.
4. Make sure your grammar and spelling is the best to your ability, Try to write as you would like to be talked to.
5. The best tip is to keep it up, if you are not good at writing now, you will be with practice, and patience, Just hang in there, Write what you enjoy and put a little, or a Lot of money in your pocket at the same time.
But the best way to make money online is by writing articles or blogs, Just find a hot niche (a product or service that people are searching for and have to have) find an affiliate product or use one of your own, If you have one, Do some keyword research to find your target market “It is easy to sell someone water dying of thirst in the desert, Than trying to sell to someone with a well” then keep writing articles and blog post to promote your product.
I can show you where to get 15 hours of video showing step by step instructions on all these steps and more, If you are interested in learning more How to Make Money Writing Online then check out this site and remember to enjoy what you do.